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A ‘New Generation’ or ‘Doomed’ From the Start? Right Wing Media Divided on Nikki Haley Prez Run

By Jaden Satenstein, February 23, 2023

There’s a dark orange cloud looming over the 2024 presidential race, and it isn’t going away any time soon. Even before announcing his candidacy back in November, former President Donald Trump dominated coverage of the upcoming election.

For months, he was the only major candidate officially in the race, as no viable competitor – Democrat or Republican – had announced a run.

Until now.

Never Mind Trump

Announcing her candidacy in a video on February 14, Republican Nikki Haley became the first major rival to challenge Trump’s bid to return to the White House. Haley served as South Carolina governor from 2011-2017 before Trump himself nominated her to become the United States Ambassador to the United Nations from 2017-2018.

Haley has repeatedly changed her stance on Trump, from fierce critic to loyal supporter and back again. Still, she doesn’t think that’s what the media should be concerned with, and she deflects when asked about the former president.

“I don’t focus on President Trump,” Haley said on Fox News Sunday. “It’s amazing that the media wants to talk about that so much. I am focused on Joe Biden.” Right-wing media, however, is very focused on Trump.

A “New Generation”

While Haley dodges talk of Trump this early in the race, he dominates early coverage of her candidacy. And that coverage highlights a clear divide in the conservative news-sphere, with outlets and pundits positioning themselves as either strongly pro- or anti-Trump.

Those who have turned on Trump paint Haley as a possible antidote to the vitriol he’s spread within the GOP, citing her distinction from Trump as one of her greatest strengths. The New York Post Editorial Board praised her announcement, welcoming the “new generation of leadership” she called for. “We’ve discussed time and time again why the ex-prez is the wrong guy for ‘24,” the Board wrote. “We look forward to the competition we have every reason to expect will produce the man or woman who can beat first Trump, now 76, and then Biden, 80. America is so ready to move on.”

The National Review has published numerous positive pieces about Haley, complimenting her announcement video and lauding her accomplishments. And WND contributor Star Parker wrote that Haley, who was born in South Carolina to immigrant parents from India,  “brings a new face to freedom,” urging readers to “hear the voices of immigrants who say America is NOT racist.”

A Barrage of MAGA Attacks

Meanwhile, those who are still happily aboard the Trump train have unleashed nasty attacks on Haley for daring to challenge their leader. And, it seems, for daring to be a woman of color.

In an article titled “No to Nikki Harris,” Townhall dubbed Haley the “Kamala Harris of the Republican party,” as if her identity as an Indian woman overshadows the glaring partisan differences between the two politicians.

And conservative pundit Ann Coulter went after Haley in a blatantly racist tirade, even though Coulter no longer supports Trump herself. “Why don’t you go back to your own country?” Coulter said in reference to Haley during an appearance on the “Mark Simone Show,” calling her a “bimbo” and a “preposterous creature.”

The American Conservative also came up with a new name for Haley: “The born loser.” FrontPage Magazine got in on the action, condemning Haley’s past criticisms of Trump, detailing her “readiness to play along with the Left’s lies and propaganda.”  

Gateway Pundit published a slew of pieces on Haley, describing her as “delusional” and “doomed” for taking on Trump. The outlet repeatedly labels her a “never-Trump RINO (‘Republican in name only’),” once again attacking her for challenging the MAGA mob.

A History of Bad Press

Hale is no stranger to harsh words from right wing media. The Gateway Pundit, for example, has a long history of throwing jabs at Haley. The outlet has deemed her the enemy ever since she first criticized Trump during the 2016 Republican primary, although she went on to support him in the general and later join his administration.

In January 2021, The Federalist published a piece titled “Your Monthly Reminder That Nikki Haley Is A Social-Climbing Political Opportunist.” A few weeks later, NOQ Report called Haley a “rat,” writing that she was “securing her place in The Swamp” by condemning Trump’s actions on January 6th.

A Foggy Future

The Trump train has made it more than clear that if you’re not getting on board they’ll do whatever they can to tie you to the tracks. These MAGA outlets show no sign of letting up on Haley or any other candidates who may dare to challenge their guy. It remains to be seen, however,  whether pundits looking for an alternative to the former president will continue to paint Haley in a positive light once competitors such as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis join the fight.

Will Haley still be seen as a “new face,” or just another ambitious pol in a crowded field, chasing a White House dream?

Jaden Satenstein (@jadensat) is a writer,  producer and social media consultant. She has worked for WNYC, FRONTLINE PBS, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and Straus News Manhattan.

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Those who are still happily aboard the Trump train have unleashed nasty attacks on Haley for daring to challenge their leader. And, it seems, for daring to be a woman of color. (Image: Wikimedia Commons)